How to: Build a New Version of Your App

How to: Build a New Version of Your App

Once you have previewed your app content, and configured your app at the page, content, and app levels, you can build your app.

You can build app packages for iOS and Android and use them for testing and for submission to respective app stores.


To build a new version of your app:

  1. Sign in to your Liquid State account


  2. Click on the relevant app entry in the Apps tab.

  3. Click on the Publishing tab.

  4. Towards the left of the page, there are three platform icons (iOS, Android).
    Click the relevant icon to select the platform for which you are building an app.
    Platform Buttons

  5. Click the Build button.

  6. Your app package will be built. Click the Download button to save your app's package file to your computer.

  7. Repeat steps 4-6 for each platform you intend to publish your app on.

Once you have built your app packages, you can continue on to App Testing, and platform app store submissions.

For more information, see:


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