How to: Update Expired Apple Push Service Certificate

How to: Update Expired Apple Push Service Certificate

Apple certificates have an expiration date set against them. These certificates will expire and cease to complete some core functionality of your app if they're not kept updated.

If you have added Liquid State to your Developer and OneSignal accounts - we will update this on an annual basis. If you haven't added Liquid State to your accounts, it will be your responsibility to monitor and track these dates.

To update an expired Push Service certificate you will need:

  • Mac Computer
  • OneSignal Account
  • Apple Developer

Distribution Certificates may expire in Apple Developer. This won't have any impact on App Store listed apps. It just means you need to regenerate a new one when you re-sign and submit an update.

To update the certificate and update OneSignal:

  1. Login to Apple Developer 
  2. Click onto Certificates 
  3. Click the sign to the top right
  4. Click Apple Push Notification Service SSL under the Production heading and click Continue 
  5. Select the App ID of the app you're updating and click Continue. Apple will now require a Certificate Signing Request. 
  6. Open Keychain on your Mac
  7. Click Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant Request a Certificate... 
  8. Enter any email address, the name of your certificate and click Saved to Disk 
  9. Click Continue and save it on your Mac
  10. Open Apple Developer back up and attach the Certificate Signing Request you just generated
  11. Click Download on your new Apple Push Certificate 
  12. Locate the certificate in your Downloads folder and double-click the file. This will add the Certificate to your Keychain and assign a Private Key as well.
  13. Open Keychain back up and click the dropdown on the App you're changing
  14. Right click on the private key and click Export 

  15. Save this on your Mac
  16. Open your OneSignal account
  17. Click on your app entry
  18. Click App Settings 
  19. Under Apple configuration, click the Configure button 
  20. Click I'd like to Replace my Production .p12 

  21. Attach the .p12 you just exported from your Keychain and complete the prompts. Ensure the the Push Notification Settings in Ubiquity match the keys in OneSignal before updating.

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